Warzone plays out through dynamic matches where multiple game types are played in a single round. The game ships with five different game types including Assassination, Search & Retrieve, Search & Destroy, Bodycount and Capture & Hold. Online matches can connect 2 to 32 players, and they can group into six squads of up to four players. If an online match does not have a full 32 players, computer-generated "bots" can be added in to create bigger teams (but only in an unranked match). Killzone 2 also offers a clan system, which allows clans of up to 64 players to compete for "Valor Points", an in-game currency that clans can use to bet on tournaments.
Players can also play offline against AIs with Skirmish mode and unranked online multiplayer, but there is no offline multiplayer mode
player to take cover behind an object and then pop out to fire at enemies. The "lean and peek" mechanic stays in first-person view at all times. It is also possible for the player to pilot vehicles at two points in the game: a tank and an exoskeleton. Many classic weapons and vehicles from previous Killzone installments return, such as the M82-G and the StA-52 LAR.
Instructions for playing the game.:=-
Instructions for playing the game.:=-
1) Downlaod the game
2)Download the emulator & install it in your pc
3)firstly run emulator then run game(with the help of emulator)
4)Enjoy the KILL ZONE 2
This is good action game & contain a very goooood graphics..
2)Download the emulator & install it in your pc
3)firstly run emulator then run game(with the help of emulator)
4)Enjoy the KILL ZONE 2
This is good action game & contain a very goooood graphics..
the emulator is not downloading