Monday, 2 September 2013

Free Download The Bureau: XCOM Declassified For PC

Bureau XCOM Declassified cover.png

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified is a science fiction video game in the X-COM series, developed by 2K Marin and released by 2K Games for Microsoft WindowsPlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on August 20, 2013 in North America. The game was in development under different titles by three different studios since 2006. It was unveiled as a first-person shooter titled XCOM in June 2010 and it has been repeatedly delayed and changed since then. In April 2013, the game was rebranded as The Bureau: XCOM Declassified in its final version of a third-person view tactical shooter with strategy video game elements.


Waiting in a room at the Groom Range facility for Director Faulke's summons, William Carter meets military officer who informs him that she is to escort him to Faulke to deliver a briefcase. When a wary Carter refuses, a black fluid discharges from the officer's eyes, revealing herself to be "infected"; she then shoots Carter and opens the case. It emits a blinding light which incinerates the officer and stuns Carter. Moments later, Carter awakens to find his gunshot wound inexplicably healed and the case destroyed as the base comes under attack. Carter attempts to rescue Faulke as the attackers, identified as "Outsiders" by Bureau agents whom Carter encounters, easily slaughter the base's garrison. He eventually finds Faulke, but is too late to save VIP officials J. Edgar Hoover, CIA Director Frost, and General Deems, the latter of whom had become infected like the female officer and killed the other officials. Carter escapes the Groom Range facility by tram just as Outsider devices cause the mountain to implode, and stalls the Outsider pursuit by detonating a powerful Elerium bomb while he and Faulke flee via Skyranger helicopter.
At the Bureau's command bunker, Faulke announces that communications worldwide have been jammed and other U.S. military bases have been destroyed in similar attacks. With no way to contact the White House and other American military leaders, Faulke formally activates the Bureau and assumes control of the country's remaining military forces to counter the Outsider threat, while Bureau operatives planted in major cities downplay the attacks as safety drills to keep the civilian populace from panicking.
Over the following weeks, Carter leads teams of agents across the country to retrieve important personnel, defend strategic sites, and recover what alien technology they can for research. Gradually, the Bureau pieces together the Outsiders' motive: to conquer the Earth and terraform it into a new homeworld, simultaneously enslaving humanity. The interrogation of an Outsider Infiltrator reveals that their species is commanded by an entity known as Origin through a psionic network called Mosaic. Carter's team travels through a "Venn Portal" to their homeworld using the Avenger, flying saucer XCOM has developed. There, Carter discovers that Mosaic is powered by an enslaved Ethereal, an being of pure energy with immense psionic power. The Outsiders have been searching for a dormant Ethereal on Earth, which is revealed to have been inside of Carter's briefcase from the game's opening and now inhabits his body. He manages to capture Origin's Ethereal, detonates a bomb at Mosaic's entry point and returns to Earth.
At XCOM's base, the captured Ethereal, Shamash, psionically contacts the Ethereal inside of Carter, Asaru. It becomes apparent that the player has actually been playing as Asaru, who has in turn been psionically controlling William Carter, though its recently awakened state caused it to believe it truly was human. Shamash claims that because both the Outsiders and humans have learned how to capture Ethereal, they must be destroyed so that a force like Mosaic will never be rebuilt. Upon hearing this, Carter manages to temporarily break free of Asaru and kills Shamash. XCOM's base is discovered by the Outsiders, and Carter attempts to defend it, while actively attempting to break free from Asaru's control. Carter manages to plant an explosive device with a thirty second timer, believing that the Ethereal will never truly allow him to be free.

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